I can't tell you how many time l've heard:
"does it actually work?"
"Is it real?"
"Is it just a placebo?"
There is plenty of research to support that acupuncture is effective in treating pain, nausea and other conditions.
However, I want to tell you about some of things I've seen in my office that have wowed me, and reaffirmed my belief in the power of acupuncture and Chinese medicine.
I've seen patients with acute pain walk out pain free
I've seen patients with chronic migraines become migraines free after a serious of acupuncture sessions
I've seen patients get their periods back after long stretches and extensive surgeries
I've seen patients with Bell's palsy regain movement in their face.
I've seen patients pass kidney stones after just one session
The list goes one and on....
Let me know what's has made you a believer in acupuncture!!